Morgan had a lump removed from her right breast last Wednesday the 25th. The surgeon even brought it out to show us! It was the size of a ping-pong ball which is very large [in my opinion :) ]. The surgery went fantastic and Morgan spent the whole day with friends and family. She even got to go to the first day of school the next day.

On Friday the surgeon called our mom to give her the results of the biopsy. She said it was nothing she had expected and that she had gone over and over it with pathology. She has taken hundreds of lumps out of teenage girls just like Morgan and only a few, if any, have come back cancerous. The doctor explained that Morgan has Medullary Breast Cancer. It is a mutation of "normal" breast cancer. It is a very rare type, but one of the most successfully treated. It is usually genetic and may be a mutation on one of her chromosomes. The doctor doesn't know how or why she got it, but it could relate back to the tumor she had as a toddler on her Adrenal gland. Since it was Friday, we had to wait the weekend out and she went in for testing on Monday.
On Monday morning, Morgan had an MRI of her chest and she did a DNA test. The MRI basically sliced her chest into little pieces so they could see if the cancer had spread anywhere else. The DNA test was to see if she had that mutation genetically. If it comes back negative- good. If it is positive- then her parents will have to do the same test to see which side it is on and so on. After the tests, she met with the surgeon again and the surgeon had the MRI results. The left breast looked good but the right had a few problems. Her tissue around where the original lump was removed was inflamed and so were two lymph nodes. That means the cancer could have spread there. Because of this information, the doctor decided Morgan will undergo chemo therapy treatments for sure. Also, there will be another surgery to remove the border tissue from her original lump to make sure there is a 'clean border'. Also, they will inject a die into her skin that will travel anywhere the cancer has gone, such as those lymph nodes. They will remove any places that the die goes to. Next the surgeon ordered a PET/CT scan that was scheduled for today. This will scan Morgan's entire body from head to toe to see any 'hot spots' that the cancer may also be at. If the scan is clear, they will do surgery Friday and start chemo a couple weeks after that. If there are any other spots at all, they will start chemo immediately.
Morgan also met with an oncologist on Wednesday to work out her chemo medicine and things like that. I still haven't hear the update from that appointment so we will have to fill you in later.
So now we are just waiting for the PET results... not sure when they will come back. Hopefully soon. I know you already do but keep Morgan in your prayers, she needs them! Thank you for all you do. Together we are going to beat this!
Go Pink :)
You don't know me but I am one of Olivia Hirrlingers friends. I am behind you all the way!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kylee for the blog. We have been so worried about Morgan and your family. We will continue to keep her and your family in our prayers!!
ReplyDeletemackenzie you rock you know that right. thanks for all the support <3 <3 you morgan
ReplyDeleteHi Morgan! Keep that awesome positive attitude going! Attitude is a powerful and wonderful life tool. And remember you are a strong, beautiful young lady surrounded by light, love and support. From my heart to yours-Shawn (Jana-Momma's friend)